Anchor House Breaks Ground

While this has been a terrific partnership with the Lutheran Church of Hope and Habitat for Humanity, the true success lies in the future of the eight young people who will be calling Anchor House home.

Not only will these foster children – who are aging out of the system – finally own keys to their own place, they will also be given the keys for success through further education, job training, and life skills to thrive in our community. 

Their bright future will brighten Broomfield’s future as a community committed to raising the bar for all of our residents by prioritizing affordable housing and support services. 

With a quick walk to local churches, Broomfield FISH, grocery stores, and bus stops, Anchor House residents will be given more than a roof over their heads, they will be given the connection to the community that is a proven predictor of long-term success for youth aging out of the foster care system.

~ Guyleen Castriotta

Anchor House has officially broken ground as of this morning!

John Bosio, Anchor House Board President; Pastor Scott McAnally, Lutheran Church of Hope; Broomfield and Mayor Pro Tem Guyleen Castriotta were all at the groundbreaking and spoke to the incredible opportunity that Anchor House is going to provide for emancipated youth in the area.

Construction is hoped to begin this fall, with an anticipated completion date of spring 2021.

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