The Broomfield Housing Alliance, launched in 2022 following significant community conversation and research, was established to increase housing options for the benefit of the community… and that’s proving successful because at this time, the Housing Alliance has already provided $3 million in startup and project funding.
Some of the projects being worked on are…
The Crosswinds and Northwest Apartments housing developments received critical gap financing of $2.3 million which will provide affordable, safe housing for nearly 200 families or as many as 400 employees for Broomfield businesses.
Lennar Homes has delivered and sold 28 income-aligned homes in the Palisades Park community, being the first of our developers to deliver required income-aligned housing as part of their development.
And I’m so excited that our City Council is providing tax relief to many of our fixed-income seniors, veterans and those with disabilities with our pilot Property Tax Refund Program.